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Writer's pictureVineet Sharma

Monitoring, is it a big deal (Part - 3) ? #monitoring #v12technologies #monitoringsetupsteps #advancedmonitoring

advanced monitoring

1. Performance Monitoring Tools and Setup

AWS CloudWatch

  • Metrics Monitoring: CloudWatch collects metrics like CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network traffic.

  • Dashboards: Create custom dashboards to visualize metrics.

  • Alarms: Set thresholds for specific metrics to trigger alarms and notify you via email, SMS, or other methods.

  • Logs: Integrate with CloudWatch Logs to collect, monitor, and analyze log files from EC2 instances and other AWS resources.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to CloudWatch.

  3. Create Dashboards and add widgets to display metrics.

  4. Set up Alarms by selecting metrics and configuring threshold values.

  5. Integrate CloudWatch Logs by installing the CloudWatch agent on your EC2 instances.

Azure Monitor

  • Application Insights: Monitor the performance and usage of your applications.

  • Log Analytics: Collect and analyze log data.

  • Metrics and Alerts: Track metrics and set up alerts for performance issues.

  • Dashboards: Visualize data with customizable dashboards.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to Azure Monitor.

  3. Enable Application Insights for your application.

  4. Configure Log Analytics by creating a Log Analytics workspace.

  5. Set up Alerts for critical metrics and logs.

  6. Create Dashboards to monitor key metrics and performance indicators.

Google Cloud Monitoring (formerly Stackdriver)

  • Metrics: Collect and visualize metrics from GCP services and applications.

  • Logs: Integrate with Cloud Logging to collect and analyze log data.

  • Alerts: Set up alerting policies based on metric thresholds.

  • Dashboards: Create dashboards for monitoring.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to Google Cloud Console.

  2. Enable Cloud Monitoring.

  3. Configure metrics collection by installing the Cloud Monitoring agent.

  4. Set up Alerting Policies based on specific metrics.

  5. Create Dashboards to display and visualize your metrics.

Third-Party Tools: Datadog, New Relic, Prometheus & Grafana


  • Metrics and Traces: Collect and analyze metrics, traces, and logs.

  • Dashboards: Customizable dashboards for visualization.

  • Alerts: Configure alerts based on metrics and log patterns.

  • Integrations: Extensive integrations with cloud providers and other tools.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for Datadog and set up an account.

  2. Install the Datadog Agent on your servers.

  3. Configure Integrations for your cloud services and applications.

  4. Create Dashboards and set up monitoring views.

  5. Set up Alerts based on your monitoring criteria.

monitoring tool

New Relic:

  • APM: Application Performance Monitoring for detailed insights.

  • Infrastructure Monitoring: Monitor server and cloud infrastructure.

  • Logs: Centralized log management and analysis.

  • Dashboards: Customizable dashboards for metrics and logs.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for New Relic and create an account.

  2. Install New Relic Agents for your applications and infrastructure.

  3. Configure Alerts and Dashboards to monitor performance and logs.

  4. Integrate with other services for comprehensive monitoring.

Prometheus & Grafana:

  • Prometheus: Open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit.

  • Grafana: Open-source platform for monitoring and observability.

Setup Steps:

  1. Install Prometheus on your servers.

  2. Configure Prometheus to collect metrics from your applications and services.

  3. Set up Grafana and connect it to Prometheus as a data source.

  4. Create Grafana Dashboards to visualize your metrics.

  5. Configure Alerts in Prometheus for monitoring.


2. Log Management Tools and Configuration

ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

  • Elasticsearch: Search and analyze log data.

  • Logstash: Collect, parse, and transform logs.

  • Kibana: Visualize log data with dashboards and charts.

Setup Steps:

  1. Install Elasticsearch and set up your cluster.

  2. Install Logstash and configure it to collect and process logs from your sources.

  3. Install Kibana and connect it to your Elasticsearch cluster.

  4. Create Index Patterns in Kibana to start visualizing log data.

  5. Set up Dashboards and Alerts in Kibana.


  • Data Collection: Collect log data from various sources.

  • Indexing and Search: Index log data and provide powerful search capabilities.

  • Dashboards: Create dashboards for real-time log visualization.

  • Alerts: Set up alerts for specific log patterns.

Setup Steps:

  1. Install Splunk on your server or use Splunk Cloud.

  2. Configure Data Inputs to collect logs from your sources.

  3. Index your log data for searching and analysis.

  4. Create Dashboards to visualize log data.

  5. Set up Alerts based on log patterns.


3. Availability Monitoring Setup

monitoring  tool with graph


  • Website Monitoring: Check the availability of your websites.

  • Uptime Reports: Generate reports on uptime and performance.

  • Alerts: Receive alerts via email, SMS, or integrations.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for Pingdom and create an account.

  2. Add your website or service URLs to monitor.

  3. Configure Alerting to receive notifications.

  4. Analyze Uptime Reports to ensure availability.


  • Website Monitoring: Monitor the availability of websites and services.

  • Alerts: Configure alerts for downtime via email, SMS, or integrations.

  • Reports: Generate uptime reports for analysis.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for UptimeRobot and create an account.

  2. Add Monitors for your websites and services.

  3. Set up Alerting to notify you of downtime.

  4. Analyze Reports to ensure service availability.


  • Service Checks: Monitor the availability of services.

  • Synthetic Monitoring: Simulate user interactions to check service performance.

  • Dashboards: Visualize uptime and performance data.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for Datadog and create an account.

  2. Set up Service Checks for your applications.

  3. Configure Synthetic Monitoring to simulate user interactions.

  4. Create Dashboards to visualize uptime and performance.

  5. Set up Alerts for downtime and performance issues.


4. Security Monitoring and Implementation

AWS GuardDuty

  • Threat Detection: Continuously monitor for malicious activity and threats.

  • Findings: Get detailed insights into potential security issues.

  • Integration: Integrate with AWS Security Hub and other AWS services.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to GuardDuty and enable it for your AWS account.

  3. Review Findings and take appropriate actions.

  4. Integrate with AWS Security Hub for centralized security management.


  • Intrusion Detection: Monitor and detect suspicious activity.

  • Log Analysis: Analyze logs for security threats.

  • Alerts: Configure alerts for security incidents.

monitoring tool ossec

Setup Steps:

  1. Install OSSEC on your servers.

  2. Configure OSSEC to monitor logs and file integrity.

  3. Set up Alerting to notify you of security incidents.

  4. Review and Respond to Alerts as needed.


  • Network Intrusion Detection: Monitor network traffic for suspicious activity.

  • Rule-Based Detection: Use rules to detect known threats.

  • Alerts: Configure alerts for detected threats.

Setup Steps:

  1. Install Snort on your network.

  2. Configure Snort Rules to detect threats.

  3. Set up Alerting to notify you of detected threats.

  4. Review and Respond to Alerts.

Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus, Qualys

  • Nessus: Perform vulnerability scanning and analysis.

  • Qualys: Comprehensive vulnerability management and compliance.

Setup Steps for Nessus:

  1. Install Nessus on your server or use Nessus Cloud.

  2. Configure Scan Policies to specify what to scan for.

  3. Run Scans on your infrastructure.

  4. Review Scan Results and address vulnerabilities.

Setup Steps for Qualys:

  1. Sign up for Qualys and create an account.

  2. Deploy Qualys Scanners in your environment.

  3. Configure Scan Jobs to perform regular vulnerability scans.

  4. Review Scan Reports and mitigate vulnerabilities.


5. Cost Monitoring Tools and Best Practices

AWS Cost Explorer

  • Cost Analysis: Analyze your AWS spending.

  • Budgets and Alerts: Set budgets and receive alerts for cost overruns.

  • Optimization Recommendations: Get recommendations for cost savings.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to Cost Explorer.

  3. Analyze Your Spending using cost and usage reports.

  4. Set Budgets and Alerts to monitor spending.

  5. Review Optimization Recommendations to reduce costs.

Azure Cost Management

  • Cost Analysis: Track and analyze Azure spending.

  • Budgets and Alerts: Set up budgets and alerts for cost management.

  • Optimization: Identify opportunities to optimize and reduce costs.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to Azure Portal.

  2. Navigate to Cost Management + Billing.

  3. Analyze Your Spending using cost analysis tools.

  4. Set Up Budgets and Alerts to monitor and control costs.

  5. Review Optimization Recommendations to save on costs.

Google Cloud Cost Management

monitoring tool gcp cost summary
  • Cost Analysis: Monitor and analyze your GCP spending.

  • Budgets and Alerts: Create budgets and set alerts for cost control.

  • Recommendations: Get suggestions for optimizing your spending.

Setup Steps:

  1. Log in to Google Cloud Console.

  2. Navigate to Billing.

  3. Analyze Your Spending using the cost management tools.

  4. Set Budgets and Alerts to keep track of costs.

  5. Review Recommendations for cost optimization.


6. Automated Alerting and Incident Management


  • Incident Management: Centralize and manage incidents.

  • Alerts: Integrate with monitoring tools to receive alerts.

  • On-Call Management: Schedule and manage on-call rotations.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for PagerDuty and create an account.

  2. Integrate PagerDuty with your monitoring tools.

  3. Configure Alerting Rules to trigger incidents.

  4. Set Up On-Call Schedules for your team.

  5. Manage Incidents and track resolutions.


  • Alerting: Integrate with monitoring tools for alerting.

  • Incident Management: Manage and respond to incidents.

  • On-Call Management: Set up on-call schedules and rotations.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for Opsgenie and create an account.

  2. Integrate Opsgenie with your monitoring tools.

  3. Configure Alerting Rules to receive alerts.

  4. Set Up On-Call Schedules for your team.

  5. Manage Incidents and track resolutions.

monitoring tool victorops


  • Incident Management: Manage and resolve incidents.

  • Alerting: Integrate with monitoring tools for alerting.

  • On-Call Scheduling: Set up and manage on-call schedules.

Setup Steps:

  1. Sign up for VictorOps and create an account.

  2. Integrate VictorOps with your monitoring tools.

  3. Configure Alerting Rules to trigger incidents.

  4. Set Up On-Call Schedules for your team.

  5. Manage Incidents and track resolutions.


7. Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions

Regular Backups

  • Data Backup: Regularly back up critical data and configurations.

  • Automated Backups: Use cloud provider tools to automate backups.

  • Offsite Storage: Store backups in a secure offsite location.

Setup Steps:

  1. Identify Critical Data that needs to be backed up.

  2. Configure Backup Solutions using cloud provider tools (e.g., AWS Backup, Azure Backup, GCP Cloud Storage).

  3. Schedule Regular Backups to ensure data is backed up consistently.

  4. Store Backups Offsite for added security.

Disaster Recovery Testing

  • DR Plan: Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan.

  • Regular Testing: Regularly test your DR plan to ensure effectiveness.

  • Failover Procedures: Document and test failover procedures.

Setup Steps:

  1. Create a Disaster Recovery Plan that outlines your recovery strategy.

  2. Implement Failover Procedures to switch to backup systems.

  3. Regularly Test Your DR Plan to ensure it works as expected.

  4. Update Your DR Plan based on test results and changing requirements.


8. Compliance and Auditing Tools

Audit Logs

  • Log Collection: Collect comprehensive audit logs from your systems.

  • Storage and Retention: Store logs securely and define retention policies.

  • Analysis: Regularly review and analyze audit logs.

Setup Steps:

  1. Configure Log Collection for audit logs using cloud provider tools (e.g., AWS CloudTrail, Azure Activity Logs, GCP Audit Logs).

  2. Define Log Retention Policies to meet compliance requirements.

  3. Securely Store Logs in a centralized location.

  4. Regularly Review and Analyze Logs for compliance and security.

Compliance Tools

  • Compliance Monitoring: Use tools to monitor and enforce compliance.

  • Reports and Audits: Generate compliance reports and conduct regular audits.

  • Automated Compliance Checks: Use automated tools to check for compliance.

Setup Steps:

  1. Enable Compliance Tools provided by your cloud provider (e.g., AWS Config, Azure Policy, GCP Policy Analyzer).

  2. Configure Compliance Rules to meet your regulatory requirements.

  3. Generate Compliance Reports and review them regularly.

  4. Conduct Regular Audits to ensure compliance with industry standards.

server monitoring room white

Setting up monitoring for your cloud infrastructure involves a combination of performance monitoring, log management, availability monitoring, security monitoring, cost monitoring, incident management, backup and disaster recovery, and compliance and auditing.  V12 Technologies  can help you by using the right tools and following the configuration steps outlined above, you can ensure your cloud infrastructure is robust, secure, and optimized for performance and cost-efficiency.

We have created a 3 part blog for monitoring , Please make sure to check Part 1 and Part 2 where V12 Technologies explains monitoring in depth.


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